A Big Announcement

Ok people. Hold on to your hats. It’s time for a big announcement.

We’re expanding the dairy! Well, kind of. The truth is that we’re working on our very own homegrown farmhand. It seems more cost-effective in the long run.

 Confused? I’ll let this picture explain things for you.

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That’s right, folks. The Dairy Man and I are officially expecting our first child! Even though he/she won’t be able to shovel manure for a few more years, we’re over the moon with excitement and gratitude. We feel unspeakably blessed.

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Jersey and the cows seem ambivalent, but they’ll come around. I have no doubt that J-pups will settle into his new role as an older sibling.

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So that’s that. #30 on my 30 things to do before I’m 30 list will be checked off in April 2014. You’re welcome, Mom.

For now, we’re embarking on many months of Dairy Man trying to understand a human pregnancy through his knowledge of cows. I’ll try not to be offended. Whatever helps him cope. As long as we don’t name the baby “Holstein.”

Life is about to change dramatically and irrevocably. I’m thrilled, overwhelmed, ecstatic, and terrified all at the same time. But even amidst the bouts of terror, I thank God for this tiny life inside of me.

On to the next adventure!

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*And many, many thanks go to the talented Ashley Folkema for these amazing photos.

31 thoughts on “A Big Announcement

  1. Wonderful news, Jessica! What an exciting adventure you are going to be taking. You’ll be a great Mom, and I’m sure your DM will adjust to the “human” aspect. 🙂

  2. Congrats Jessica!
    As my DM would say “great that you “caught” in time for your 30 list” 🙂
    Looking forward to reading the evolution of your blogging as your family expands!

  3. How wonderful and exciting! I’m certain that DM will find that a child is way more entertaining and lovable than a cow,

  4. Congratulations Jessica! Raising a family on the farm will NOT disappoint! It’s the best way in my opinion! Enjoy this VERY exciting time! 🙂

  5. Congratulations to you, your DM and the grandparents-to-be! How exciting for all of you. Praying for a uneventful pregnancy and safe delivery.

  6. Congratulations to all, what an exciting time in your lives. Hang on tight, the journey is about to become a “trip of a lifetime”, with overflowing love, laughter and smiles.

  7. Congrats!! I totally get the hubby relating to pregnancy thru cows. We just had our first baby in June and at our first Dr appt, the hubs asked the Dr, to explain how many weeks I was in ‘days’ since that’s how they do it for cows. 🙂 I got used to hearing, “oh that’s just like cows” throughout my pregnancy as I would explain random things happening to my body. So good luck with that! Hopefully your dr has a sense of humor…;)

  8. Congratulations!!! Such an exciting time, I hope you enjoy it to it’s fullest :). I was compared to a cow during my 3 pregnancies…my Dairy hubby thought he was an expert from delivering cows….and of course after with the breast feeding haha…good luck with that 😉

  9. Congratulations!!!!!! soo happy to hear that! I hope we will still get some posts when you’re not too busy lol

  10. My lovely farmer told me these exact words before the birth of our son “first time heifers have a hard time having large calves”. We had a c-section because our baby was big – but I wasn’t 100% sure he was just referring to cows. Congratulations!! Love your blog – we spent the first 13 years of marriage with cows and recently sold our small herd (30 cows) to focus on cash crops and raising heifers for others. But I love being a farmer’s wife!!

  11. I guessed it…then scrolled down and there are the little shoes!
    Congratulations! Love reading your posts!

  12. Congratulations! Take lots of pics throughout the pregnancy, they will be fun for you and DM to look back at later. Enjoy this beautiful journey 🙂

  13. Congratulations!!! That is very exciting news and yes your husband will compare your pregnancy to his knowledge of the cows:) it’s all done in love!!!

  14. Congrats! I love the announcement pictures. Jersey will love the new baby. Border Collies are the best dogs. So loyal!

  15. Incredibly happy for you both! As soon as I saw “big announcement” I knew it was a baby announcement. Can’t wait to hear more about your new life! And as the oldest of 6, I am positive it will be a new, crazy life. 🙂

  16. Just found your blog, and I feel like I can relate exactly to what you write about. Except a few years ago I gave up my off-farm to job to work full time on our dairy. It’s brought it’s only joy & challenges. 🙂

    Congratulations on the upcoming edition to your family! Don’t worry — I’m certain your husband won’t want to name baby “Holstein.”

  17. Just found your blog, and I feel like I can relate exactly to what you write about. Except a few years ago I gave up my off-farm to job to work full time on our dairy. It’s brought it’s only joy & challenges. 🙂

    Congratulations on the upcoming addition to your family! Don’t worry — I’m certain your husband won’t want to name baby “Holstein.”

  18. I have really enjoyed reading your blogs. I sell product to your husband for the cows. Congratulations to you and I know Grandpa will be awesome!

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